Sunday, October 01, 2006

Project: Have a cookie!

Hey there... I'm Lex and project: have a cookie came up while me and my friend were munching off cookies that I made a while ago. It brought back childhood memories when chocolate cookies were the bomb! Getting cookies from our moms was like Christmas because it was quite rare for us to have cookies... Yes, too much chocolate is not that good *wink wink* or at least that's what our mommies told us!

Basically, we just wanted to relive those special times when we were kids by spreading the happiness around us. This is something random I read somewhere: An average adults laughs less than 10 times in a day than a kid who laughs more than 50 times a day. So, what happened to the "laughter is the best medicine"?

Don't kill the child in us cause all of us deserve to be happy even just for 5 minutes of munching cookies. Well, when I was a kid, we loved our cookies so much so that we nibbled on it sooooooooooooo slow and enjoyed every bite of it. A joy that couldn't be explained.

So, what's the plan again?
What happens is one day in a week, 12 lucky/not-so-happy/bday/(whatever else you think you can put in here) people will get a cookie from me and some of my 'chosen' ones :) And, yesh, the rumours true that we are gonna take your picture!!! Bwahahaha... and we'll post it on this blog site. Basically, we just want to make your day lah... Don't worry we won't come after you like maniacs. hehehe...

Do drop us a mail at if you are interested to help, or join the clan spreading love... Even if you just want to have a cookie :) We'd be more than happy to spread the love baby!

I'm looking forward for the days to come and make someone happy (woot! I feel like a happy fairy or something lol).

Till then, Lex out and spread the good old love and happiness.


Err.. intoxication problems... you can sue Lex lahhh... hehehe Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.